New Brighton Clinic

Nystrom & Associates Position on the Use of Cannabis

The medical use of cannabis has received much attention as states have moved to legalize it in various ways. This has resulted in questions from patients and clinicians about Nystrom & Associates’ position on the use of cannabis.

There is no current scientific evidence that cannabis is in any way beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In fact, current evidence supports a strong association of cannabis use with the onset of psychiatric disorders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm, given the effects of cannabis on neurological development.

This is very similar to the American Psychiatric Association’s statement: Position Statement in Opposition to Cannabis as Medicine

While we do not prescribe cannabis for the treatment of behavioral health issues, we recognize that individuals may choose to use products containing cannabis.

We support those we serve with dignity and without judgment regardless of decisions they make about the use of substances. To this end, we encourage individuals to be candid with their service providers about substance use as it can impact the effectiveness of treatment and may interact with medications.

For those specifically wanting treatment for substance use problems, including alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs, we provide treatment. Substance use treatment services at Nystrom & Associates can be accessed by calling 651-529-8479.

Developed by:

  • Mark Peterson, RPh, CEO
  • Jonathan Uecker, MD, Psychiatrist and Medical Director
  • R. John Sutherland, PhD, ABPP, LADC, MHA, Vice President of Addiction Services
  • Michael Brunner, PhD., LP, Chief Clinical Officer
  • Anh Le Kremer, J.D., Chief Strategy and Development Officer
  • Annie Pope, MA, Vice President of Clinic Operations
  • Jean Ysbrand, Chief Human Resources Officer

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