back to school stress

Relieving Back-to-School Stress & Anxiety

Many kids (and parents) are anxious about approaching a new school year. From hectic mornings to last-minute projects, the many activities that make up the busy schedules of the school year can be tough on both parents and students, causing intense stress and anxiety at...
Parent talking to child about COVID-19

How to Talk to Your Kids about COVID-19

With all of the uncertainty and ever-changing information surrounding COVID-19, it can be tough for parents to figure out how to discuss the issue with their children. In addition, you could be seeing behavioral effects as a result of their usual routine being disrupted, and...
woman in a telehealth session

5 Benefits of TeleHealth

Due to COVID-19, there have been obvious concerns about face-to-face appointments for mental health services. In-person appointments may have halted for certain services, but that doesn’t mean that people have stopped needing them. In fact, with all the added stress and anxiety triggered by the...
woman laying on a couch on her phone

How to Stay Sane at Home

Staying at home for long periods of time can make us go stir-crazy. It can also have a negative impact on our mental health if we let it. Not to worry, there are plenty of practices we can easily incorporate into our lives at home...
Mom reading book to daughter

Tips for Parents Who Are Working From Home

With school and business closures accompanied by social distancing recommendations to help slow the spread of COVID-19, many parents now find themselves working from home. Even if you’ve been working from home for years, now the kids are home too, bringing about a new set...
person filing for unemployment

Filing for Unemployment? There is no Shame in that.

Times are tough right now. The outbreak of COVID-19 is causing a surge in job losses. Layoffs, cut hours, or the risk of getting sick while on the job is at the forefront of people’s minds when even a month ago, was never given a...
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