mental health awareness person alone

Mental Health Awareness

The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article is Amber Kost, MS, Outpatient Therapist.    Mental health awareness is vital because although mental health is invisible, it impacts everything we do. It influences our view of the world, how we interact with others, our behaviors, and our mood. Join the conversation and read on to learn about how you can support mental health awareness.   Related: 8 Simple Ways to De-Stress 

Mental Health is a Journey  

There’s a common misconception that happiness and taking care of our mental health is a permanent place. Upon arrival, everything is sunshine and rainbows, nothing bothers us, and we handle challenges with easeHowever, mental health is a journey, not a one-stop-shop. It’s filled with twists and turns, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope along the way.   Amber Noga explains the beauty of our mental health as a process 
Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going. And just like a tree, we grow from the ground up. Leaves will fall, and branches will break, but even in those moments, it still provides beauty to this world. So do not give up on all that you are and all that you could be for where you are and what you feel at this moment. Our strength and beauty still exist, even when we feel like it's not there or we cannot see it. So just like the tree, keep standing tall and remind yourself that you are stronger than you think and tougher than you know!
Related: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Coping Skills 

Raise Awareness 

Mental health awareness starts with you! You can make a difference by taking a few steps.  
  • Ask around: Ask family and friends how they’re doing and listen. Taking the time to check in with loved ones, especially those you know with a mental illness, can make a big difference.  
  • Open upSharing your own struggles with mental health can help others realize they’re not aloneThis includes talking to children about mental health and letting them know that mental illnesses are treatable.  
  • Educate yourself: Learn about mental illness and share what you discover with others 
Related: What Are Mental Health Days? 

Support Your Mental Health 

When it comes to mental health awareness, lead by example and make it a priority to support your mental health. There are many ways to do this, but we can start simple with these habits.  
  • Take care of your physical health: Prioritize healthy meals, exercise, and good quality sleep.  
  • Manage stress: A huge part of our mental health status can stem from stress. What coping mechanisms do you reach for when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Identify these and how you can turn to a healthier alternative.  
  • Practice mindfulness: Take a couple of minutes out of your day to slow down and focus on your breathing. Notice your thoughts and come back to the present moment.  
  • Journal: One way to keep tabs on your mental health is to write down your thoughts/feelings. It doesn’t have to be in a fancy journal or take an hour out of your day. Grab a spare sheet of paper and set aside a few minutes to check in with yourself. 
Related: How Mental Health Affects Physical Health  

A Word From Nystrom & Associates 

The key to mental health awareness is providing support to those in need. Nystrom & Associates has been providing help, hope, and healing to those who need it for almost 30 years. Our therapists, psychiatrists, addiction counselors, and the entire team of professionals believe you deserve to find true healing. Request an appointment online or call 1-844-NYSTROM to get scheduled with a qualified professional.  Check out our Self-Help Videos and our Facebook page for more mental health tips. Related: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Coping Skills  

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