therapy helps with depression

How Therapy Helps With Depression

The Nystrom & Associates provider consulted for this article is Jessica Auel, MS, LMFT, Outpatient Therapist  Depression is a serious mood disorder and a common mental health problem. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 17 million adult Americans suffer from depression during any one-year period.  However, depression is highly treatable. Therapy helps with depression in many ways, keep reading to learn how. 

Causes of Depression

First, we need to address how depression startsWhile there are many factors that can cause depression, here are a few potential reasons: 
  • Biological factors 
  • Imbalanced mental and emotional aspects 
  • Changes in body chemistry (which affects your thoughts and mood) 
  • Stressful or traumatic life events 
Depression can range from mild to severe, but therapy helps with depression no matter the severity. The American Psychiatric Association states, “Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Between 80% and 90% of people with depression eventually respond well to treatment.   Let's dive into exactly how therapy helps with depression.   Related: Why Mental Health in the Workplace is Important 

Regain Control

In therapy, individuals will work with a trained professional to identify negative or distorted thinking patterns. While doing so, you will regain power over your life, as explained by Jessica Auel, MS, LMFT, Outpatient Therapist: 
The more we learn about depression, the more we know it usually stems from deep-seeded shame. What we know about shame is that it thrives in the darkness and cannot survive in the light. Therapy helps people to shed light on their darkest, most shame-filled parts so they can regain power and control over their own lives. When we are able and willing to talk about our shame, that’s when true healing begins.
In other words, therapy provides a safe outlet to let your guard down and regain a sense of control in your life. In addition, you will begin to shift your thinking and see more of the positive options in front of you and move toward activities that are balanced and fulfilling.  Related: How to Reset Your Mindset 

Pinpoint Life Problems 

Therapy supports those with depression to set goals and work on developing skills to improve their situation. Therapists will help you to pinpoint areas of your life that can be improved or changed, and make you aware of how you have successfully overcome similar challenges or feelings in the past.

Medication Can Be Useful 

A qualified therapist will conduct a thorough assessment and work with you to determine what is best for your circumstances and desired treatment. Often, a combination of medication and psychotherapy is most effective. Of course, this is based on a case-by-case basis and varies based on your needs. 

A Word From Nystrom & Associates 

Depression can heavily impact a person’s ability to function day-to-day. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from depression, seeking help from a licensed mental health professional is criticalMake sure the therapist you are working with is experienced in helping people recover from depression.   We have over 900 providers who are ready to helpCall 1-844-NYSTROM or make an appointment and make the first step toward healing today. For more information on depression, click here Related: 5 Ways to Prevent Substance Abuse 

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